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The Power of Choice: Change your perspective.

Writer's picture: Alicia McCoyAlicia McCoy

"Everything in your life is a reflection of a CHOICE you have made. If you want a different result, make a different CHOICE."

Fact, we all have bad days, maybe even a bad week. But there have been times in my life when I look over my life and I just feel like I'm not truly happy with where I am. I look at the lives of people on my social media feed or my friends and family and I just think to myself, "God I should be doing that, or God I should have my own place and significant other, " and on and on and on. Now I know social media is just a glimpse of people's lives, and they only show you what they want you to see. So that may not be the best place to monitor where you "should" be in life.

With that being said, that is the perfect example of how powerful choices can be. When It comes to social media for example, people only CHOOSE to show the good times in their life, or how romantic and sweet their boyfriend or girlfriend is. They choose to focus on the good and ignore the bad. Choosing a different perspective can alter how you feel about anything, whether its the bad day you just had, or the confrontation you got in with your friend. How you choose to approach the day from the moment you wake up can change the course of an entire day. Life is all about choices and God has shown us that from day one.

Let me break it down to you real quick. God is all powerful and all knowing. There is nothing you can or can't do that will surprise Him, but yet when He created Adam and Eve He placed them in the garden and gave them a command, with the hope that they would be obedient to His word. Mind you He is God, He could've just made them do as He said but He allowed them to CHOOSE to be obedient....but we know what they chose and how the story goes from there. (if you don't, go back and read Genesis) The same rings true with salvation. God gives us a choice to choose Him, a life filled with love and promises, or ourselves which could lead to who knows what.

So I say all that to say this, if you are not happy with where you are currently, make a CHOICE to act and respond differently than you have previously. Because obviously the choices you were making before were making you unhappy. But before you go off just making choices, stop and do a heart check. What is it that is making you so unhappy? Why are you in such a rush to get into that relationship, or get that job? Is your life really THAT bad or do you just want more? Talk to God and ask him to reveal your true motives. That revelation will give you a new perspective on the life you are currently living, then you can move forward with the choices you need to make that will make life much easier, or even bearable until God places you where you need to be.

Now making a choice to be happy, or patient, or peaceful is not just a one time thing...OHHH NOO. You have to make an INTENTIONAL effort EVERY DAY. If there is chaos going on in your life, wake up every morning and tell yourself "I choose to have peace today," and walk in that peace throughout the day. If you're struggling with patience, tell yourself, "I choose to have patience today," and no matter what comes your way you will remember that choice you made that morning. It's going to be hard but with God all things are possible.



And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.
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